One. The law of attraction is real, and it's a wonderful thing. What is it and why is it so wonderful?!?! Well you can click this link: click* :) But it's wonderful because I woke up this morning, my car was on EMPTY, so I went to the gas station near my home and pumped five because last time I checked there was at least five dollars on my dumb card. I go in to pay and my card is rejected, my body in convulsions because of fear I panicked and then a nice old man said "heres five" and covered me. It was really cool and my faith in the human race was brought back to life and all of those things. So while driving to pick my aunt up I kept thinking "Money comes often and easily", sort of like a mantra. Later that day a teacher at my school who is in charge of the Rome Trip which I am sadly not apart of anymore. But she came to tell me that I was going to get my check back from all of the money I put into it! So that was nice.
Two... Oh! I almost forgot what the other things were. Two: I've put myself on a clothing diet. It's ridiculous, but my closet has gotten pretty damn gross. I need to add things into it that will be great FOREVER. No more buying things that are "in season". I want vintage, forever things. Also, if I don't sew it myself then it HAS to be designer. That's right I'm going to make my clothes and buy only designer. It's ridiculous. But I have nothing. nothing. In my closet. Nothing that fits, nothing that's cute. NOTHING that matches. It's horrible. So I'm going to turn myself into a fashionista. Somehow. I have some good ideas. They're only on paper so far... but I'll put them up. Somehow...
I'm a fashionista. I'm a fashionista. I'm a fashionista. Maybe law of attraction works that way too? :)
^^ Me, hopefully SOON!
^^ Me now. Pitiful. And sad.
There was a third things. But I completely forgot now.
So enjoy this wonderful song.
thanks for making this song my #1 :)