It's okay lil' asian.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Parenthetical Citations.

What to blog about. What to blog about.

This is a very good question. So I guess I'll just tell all of you what's been going on in my wonderful life.
Weelllllllll. They doubled my dosage on my meds. From ten to twenty. And I think it's helping. I mean I've only been doing that for like three days, but I guess I feel different. I feel like me. If that makes sense. I just have lost patience for like everything in my life. I have no patience to take pictures, or draw or write or color or even sit around and procrastinate from doing the things that I love. It's not that I have to be doing anything, I just think so much it's like one hundred words in one second and I don't know what to do with all of it. I dont' know what to do about all of these words in my head or all of the things that I want to say or should have said or should be doing or want to do or should be doing or what i don't know. It's just so much going on in my head and so much going on in my life.  But not at the same time. I feel like even though there ar things going on that are out of my control and things that I want to change and can't or dont' feel like i'm in the power to change or I should change because i don't feel like I'm supposed to be the one to change the thing. so yeah. I hope that all made sense, though I'm not sure if it really did. But that's okay. I guess.

Alright. there were other things that oh.,Okay. So Joseph billings is going to let me put make up on him. Guess who's excited? ME. Like OH MY GOD. I cannot wait. I don't know what I'm going to do, but like I'm so excited. We have, shit. I was going to say that we have the same color hair and eyes so it will be easy to do his make up but we dont' just the same color hair and his eyes are green? I don't know. His eyes are lighter than mine. Everyones are. So I must think of something. Ohhhhhhhh. Green eyes look good with green and browns? Greens fo'sho. So maybe I do some greens. It's going to be a great day. Oh yeah all of this is going to happen on tuesday; GIRLY MAKE OVER DAY TIME SLEEP OVER DAY :D It's going to be great.

Today I went climbing again. and it was really fun. Auntie came with along with faith and it was cool. So yeah,
I should be doing homework but I'm blogging. and not doing homework and now I'm watching a movie kinda. So yeah. So yeah. So yeah. So. Yeah.

yesterday was Guy Fawkes day and on the eleventhh it's going to be eleven-eleven-eleven so at eleven you must make a wonderful wish. And then there's thanksgiving this month. And just ah. I love November. It's the greatest month every.
I'm watching V for Vendetta. so I guess I'll be done.

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