It's okay lil' asian.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Poems. Poems. Poems.

There's this "wave" of things happening in life. Like how everything is going digital.
WHOA! PEOPLE USE THE INTERNET??? I know. It's crazy.
But here I am just starting to do this "blogging" thing, and yet I opening cheat on my blog with my
trusty pen and paper.
But you see it's just so hard, because at first it was an affair with the computer rather than the notebook.
But, *covers blogs eyes(?) ears(?)* my blog just didn't cut it. It wasn't there in math class with me when I finished my work and wrote a lovely poem about how I like to procrastinate in math. And it turned out decently, nice even.
But you see the thing is I want to put all of my poems on this blog.
"TO THE CLOUD!" or whatever they're called the internet web space these days.
So that's my project. A poem a day.
I'm going to start tomorrow because once I leave the computer I don't know if I'll come back.
Because I get cold easily sitting here and talking to people and pretending to be cool and "blog".

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