It's okay lil' asian.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

If you Have ever wondered

So that's basically how I was made.
Socially awkward and addicted to the internet.
And super fricken sexy.
(wow. morgan ego much?)
Yes. Yes,I have an ego and it's really big and if you stroke it sometimes it will grow.
(ish morgan, really?)

Anyways. So that's how I was born. God was like "Yeah. super sexy socially awkward internet addict."
But here's a cool story.
My father comes into my room last night and every time it's just him and I in my room or anywhere alone I think of this thing that he told me when I was like seven, I don't know why it stuck in my memory but it always has, and this quote that I'm thinking baout that he said was, "Morgan, if I ever ask you to do something you don't want to do just tell me no."
And my dads not weird or a creep or anything, but that has always creeped me out and stuck in my memory.
But anywho.
So my dad comes in and is all, "can i just lay down in your bed,"
me: No that's weird.
Him; you're right that's weird and then he lays down on my floor and whatever.
You know what this was just a really weird night.
Because it was my father and my brother laying on my bedroom floor talking about sex with the ladies.
and how my fatehr migth have some illigitimate child who's like nineteen or twenty now or something like that.
And it was weird.
and then my brother went to bed and my father continued to sleep on my bedroom floor.
What a weird life I live.

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