It's okay lil' asian.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Things that have been bothering my mind.

Nothing personal though.

At the horizon of the digital age, the digitizing of everything starting from music, journals, and books.  Even the yellow pages.  I mean it is amazingly convenient.  && Seriously, I feel like the Nook has been haunting me in commercials and ads all over the interwebs and on the television.
What will happen to books?
I know one person in life, who loves to buy the actual copy of CDs with their jewel cases and all.  At the time I thought, what a silly thing!  Itunes is so much more convenient.  And he just replied, I just like to have a hard copy of all my music.  This didn’t mean much to me until now.
What will happen to my bookshelf? :(  I like tangible copies of my reads.  It’s part of my childhood.  Will I soon be having a bookshelf of “collectibles?” haha.  My grandchildren will love that! “Grandma used to read real paper books!”
I saw this commercial the other day, it had the same juxtapose style like the mac vs pc commercials, but it was nook vs book.  The woman pretty much expressed that reading a book gives you the satisfaction of something palpable. (She dog eared a page)  In the end, she gives into the Nook.
Am I the only one worried that years from now everything will be digital.  Magazines, Books, Scholarly Journals… All digitized? — How easily those archives could be meddled with and hacked and erased.  And book burning is illegal now.  Well there’s just a whole new way to censor now isn’t there.  The whole, “people who bought this also bought: insert title of book or album here.”  It’s convenient, but technology and the leading companies of these multi billion dollar conglomerate companies are now the gatekeepers of all of our media.
It scares me.
But those who do not change with change, get left behind.
To embrace, or not to embrace.
PS. I write notations in my books and highlight stuff, sometimes i cross things out and write my own parts in.  I just can’t part with that type of personalization.  But at the same time I want a Nook.
Here I blog about wants wants wants.
Gotta chase that paper though :3 — Nooks don’t buy themselves.

The birth of a Morgan

Writing births thought.

This piece is titled; The Birth of Morgan.
Isn't that awesome?

This woman is so, just. I am in absolute awe of her strength and her knowledge.
I just want to scream, "YOU GO GIRL."
But that wouldn't be appropriate i think.
She's so wonderful. and the things they say to her are aweful. 

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