So some of you have noticed (i don't think everyone.) But I have gotten rid of my playlist.
All of those songs that were on the playlist were there for specific blogs.
Ke$ha is for all of the ke$ha blogs, and the rest were just niice to listen to.
But I've taken it away because I dont' want to listen to Bo burnham when i'm raeding about sad things.
That's wrong.
So I'm going back to adding songs individually to each blog.
This is this blogs song.
What the fuck.
who fucking asks "Hey are you going to have a birthday? I mean, I just don't want our parties to clash."
I mean yeah it would be cool to ask if you were the bitch in some disney channel show, but I'm talkin' real life right now. And not only are we talking real life, we're talking someone close to me.
I'm pissed because that's a fucking dumb question. I mean, fine. You can just go and do your thing. Have your birthday on whatever fucking day you please, because I mean it is your birthday after all. Fucking don't mind me. Just you'know getting older. Why's that you ask? Oh I have a birthday.
(Birthdays are slightly bitter topics for me. Slightly)
I'm sorry you work on the day you wanted to celebrate your birthday. But you wanna know what, not my problem, you should have taken it off.
Figure it out yourself.
Ohhh I'm so mad. It's not even a big deal.
But i'm so sleepy, and I have to do MAP testing today.
I don't know what MAP stands for,
Minnesota Achievement Progress?
Morgan And Problems.
Miniature Animal Pharm.
I don't know.
But it's tests that will take me all day to do, and they're boring as fuck.
And they maesure my knowledge and that's how they know which classes to put me in.
Which by the way, I still don't have a schedule. it's fine. It's like summer never ends (; just kidding.
It just means a lot of make up work on my part which is also kinda fine. I mean what am I going to do all day?
Fricken started my McLife yesterday.
Which I feel kinda shitty about to be honest. I have never once in my life said "Hey. I'm totally going to get into the fast food business." And if I did, because I'm forgetful, I never wanted to work at McDonalds. I get free french fries. Which is awesome. Becasue I love fries.
But it's not awesome because my thighs are huge as is.
I think i'm going to buy a treadmill so I can just hop on that thing whenever I want. because that would be awesome. And continue eating french fries.
Yesterday was my brothers birthday. WOOP WOOP.
He's fourteen now. And he's full of fourteen year old emotions. And he's being all angsty.
Not really.
He's still little gare-bear to me (:
So last night was cool. I'll post pictures later, because there were in fact some sicckkk shots. And a lot of these sick shots I didn't even take myself! My friend did. And he was all layin' down on the ground and gettin' in weird positions to take a photo. Which I was just so proud of, *sniff, sniff. haha, no it was cool to see someone get all photographer in like two seconds without really knowing or having a giant push to do photography.
But yeah, and we started a fire on the beach. Oh. we were on a beach. A realllyy cool beach that's a little up the north shore. Not the secret beach, but a cool beach nonetheless.
because secret beach was gone. It made itself a secret again.
Which sucks because that beach is cooolll.
I'm exhausted and should start testing now.
I'll post fashion week updates in a few hours, because I just do not have the capacity to update right now.
Au Revoir.
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