It's okay lil' asian.


Friday, June 24, 2011


This is my guide on how to be cool.

1.) YOU ALREADY ARE COOL. Just thinking to yourself everyday, "Hey, I'm cool." Makes you a cool person. Being cool is having confidence. And what everyone else says is invalid, because they're not cool.

2.) Don't argue. Arguing isn't cool. There's no point in trying to prove anyone right or wrong. No one has been to the places you have been to, seen the things you've seen, or done the things you have done. So where's the point in arguing if you aren't even on an even playing field?

3.) Posture. Having good posture exudes cool straight out of your pores. And besides what's cooler than being tall?

4.) When you speak, people Will listen. If you speak with confidence and knowledge people will listen to you. Never mumble, how can you be cool and mumble? And when you speak look people in the eye. Don't look at the zit in between their eyebrows, or the possible dandruff on their head. Cool people don't care about that stuff anyways, Just look them in the eye.

5.) The only brand you should wear is your own. If you're going to be a billboard you might as well get paid for it, right? Always wear what YOU want to wear, and advertise yourself. Be you, not part of a corporation in which you're not getting compensated.

6.) Don't Walk. Don't Run. Just glide. There are people who walk at a zombie pace, and you're not even sure if they are still alive. There are people who walk so fast you wonder who they're running from. You? You have the great posture, the calm collected, COOL attitude, so just glide. Walk with pride.

7.) Bend rules, don't break them. You understand that rules are there for a reason, but there are also loopholes in some of these rules. And you understand that you can bend them, just don't break them. Jail isn't cool. Having an adventure is.

8.) Never lose your cool. When presented with a problem only focus on the solution. There's no point in whining or complaining about how you got there, because people who whine aren't very cool.

9.)Say more without saying it all. When talking, overall,  use less words in your sentences. just get to the point. leave details and rambling to old men.  say the minimum in order to get maximum impact.

9.)Be passionate about what you do. Whether you are a designer a musician an entrepreneur, a mother a call center operator, etc. you realize being passionate about what it is you do is imperative. And you are passionate about what you do. You realize being able to exert your talents is something to be grateful for and you are. Conversely you realize that being passionate about something does NOT give you a license to be emotional EVER.

10.)You have your own language. If the current common trend is to say "Yo" when greeting people and "Later" when bidding farewell - you use neither. Instead you have your own versions.

11.)Talk highly of other people. When you are introducing people you know to other people. Stand tall and introduce them. Don't just say "this is my friend margaret."  Say something like "Hank, I want to introduce you to Margaret. I really like Margaret for a number of reasons. She is so cool. She is extremely attractive. And margaret is very intelligent . She is here in Duluth for a month. Anyway, I am sure you will work out the rest yourself. Hank, this is my good friend margaret."

12.) Know that every problem has a solution. Some problems may have solutions that can be implemented within seconds. Some may take minutes. Some hours. Some days. And some, even years. But every problem has a solution. You realize this. And thus you are solution focused and never ever whine when presented with a problem or problems.

13.)Don't procrastinate. You realize that this it. This is your life. This is it. This is all you have. And you will use every moment you have as a celebration. When you have work to do you get to work. You don't attend bullshit meetings. You put yourself under pressure and use that pressure to ignite your hyper productive skills within you, to get the absolute maximum output.

14.)You never talk down to anyone ever. Everyone is equal. Everyone is a citizen of your world. Your very cool world.

15.)You don't avoid fear - you head towards it at pace. You caress it. You face it. You make love to it. And you ruthlessly knock it over like a bulldozer knocking through brick walls.

16.)You are friends with all types of people. You have friends who have varying occupations. They have different religions. They are different ethnicities. And they believe in things different to you. You have friends who are authors, film makers, journalists, designers, entrepreneurs, communists, venture capitalists, politicians and so on.

17.)You are always learning. You realize that people not learning are busy dying. You never stand still because you realize when you're cool you have to always keep learning. You are always looking for better solutions to bigger problems.

Always remember when you are cool you can think for yourself:
You don't need a teacher.
You have already realized that the best teacher in the world is, you.

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