It's okay lil' asian.


Thursday, June 23, 2011


I tend to reread the things I blog about after I blog them, and lately the last few are kinda depressing. So here's an inspirational blog. Or at least I hope there's some sort of hope weaved into these words. Because I'm going to hit a few raw nerves as topics go but show how you can help, how I should or will help. These are just inspirational things.

These bracelets are for sponsoring The Invisible children. The Bracelet campaign works with the people of Northern Uganda who make the bracelets. While these people were in poverty these bracelets helped create a small income that helped keep their small villages alive. The Invisible Children helped make these bracelets do the same thing but on a larger scale. I used to completely immerse myself in this project, I don't remember what happened, High school probably . I know, or I knew the stories of each of the children who have a movie. Yeah, so with each bracelet there's a story, because there are different colors for each bracelet. I've only truly seen graces story (green). It cried in my eighth grade teachers classroom after school one day while we ate yogurt covered pretzels. The movies are expensive, twenty dollars each, but they come with bracelets and are completely worth it when you think about it. They help out a cause that is much greater than our own every day lives of just floating through. That's all we really do anyway, Float on. Right? When these children are being forced to fight in a war that they don't believe in. It's disgusting. Man kind is disgusting.
Learn MORE!

Earth dance. Pretty much the coolest thing I've heard of in awhile.
So I have this hippie co-worker who I call fergie because his last name is ferguson, and we were talking about hippie festivals. I don't know what social category I fall under but if I could choose, hot damn I would be the best hippie that anyone has ever seen. Anyway he told me about Earth Dance. And it happens at the same time in all different places all over the world and at the same exact time all over the world everyone gets into a circle and does a peace prayer. I know it sounds weird, because these days everyone is touchy about praying, even I am. I completely understand that it's a very personal thing (A line that I use every time my Jesus uncle is in town and wants me to pray with him, but to be honest he is much too much of an extremist for me. To be honest he turns me off of this whole "believing" thing, it's not his fault though. He's just an extremist, and my family is just happy that he didn't decide to become muslim. I know bad low brow joke, actually a very terrible joke. I'll leave it though. as bad as it is.) But can you imagine a whole group of HUNDREDS of people getting into a circle, stopping what they are doing just to sit and be silent and just physically want world peace for an amount of time. I watched this documentary? I watched this movie about "The Secret" it's called "The Secret" too and it's about how our minds have the power to actually do things. Such as bring you money, wealth, power, love, etc. So Just imagine if "the secret" actually works, and there are literally hundreds, thousands of people praying at the same time, then someday we might actually have world peace. And what a wonderful time that will be. This year it will be held September 24. Definitely what I'm going to do for my birthday. Holy shit, So i just looked at locations for this year. IT'S IN THE FRICKEN PHILIPPINES. IN THE CITY OF LIGHT (CEBU). I wish that I was going there instead of the one in the U.S which will be many places, but the main place will be held in Laytonville California. I think I will go. But so every year they pick a place or thing to donate the money made from Earth dance and this year is the Year of the Forest, which means that most of the money will go to charities that focus around Mother Earth and the forests.

Learn more? You should.

Another thing that is inspirational and really cool? Change for kids.
It's this thing where this organization "bridges the opportunity gap" by giving underprivileged kids  a chance to experience literacy, arts, and music programs which will help them create better futures for themselves and make lasting relationships with teachers and maybe even find their calling in life. I don't even really know what to say besides that this is a great  organization that helps brighten the future for inner city kids who don't have everything that everyone else is given. I think it's really great. I love programs like this. It's really incredible.
Since I don't have words for it, find out for yourself. learn!

So that's all the inspiration I can think of off of the top of my head right now. I'll probably blog later, because i'm just in a bloggy mood.

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