It's okay lil' asian.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I just came to say hello.

A few things here I wanna say. And I'm only gonna say them once. So listen up.

1.) check out this video.
Yes. It's Charlie Sheen. Dubstep. Yo. Check it. (?)

2.) Shit. I forgot what I wanted to Blog about! Ugh. Well thus the rambling begins.

I was thinking about what one of my friends said. And it was something that they said a while ago about what a persons purpose on life is. And he thought that it was to "find that other someone to live with and be happy with" and whatever. (Not a direct quote by the way, just separating my thoughts from theirs.) And I kind of believe that a persons purpose in life is to use your time to make everything just that much better. Like picking up trash off of the ground when you're walking somewhere or saying hi to older people when you see them on their little park benches. You know? just being a good person, and leaving a lasting imprint of your time here. Like someones grandchild could be like "Hey, see these clean streets? They're clean because once I saw this one lady picking up SOMEONE ELSE'S trash! And I thought it was totally radical so I had to join in and one of my friends thought it was cool so they did too, It was great." Well maybe not like that but you get the jist right? Life is just about you taking care of those less fortunate than you, if it wasn't then we'd all be greedy and no one would get anywhere and I probably would have killed myself a long time ago, not that anyone would have really noticed or cared for that matter. But to the point of this story now, it made me think about the Symposium and Aristophanes speech in it (which I totally read because I was inspired by my Best Friend Sydnee's book [Searching, you can someday search for it on bookshelves because it is FRICKEN AMAZING. and i'm not just saying that because she's my best friend. I mean it's really great, i've gone through almost every single one of my reading emotions reading it. I'll blog about those next considering I completely forgot what I wanted to blog about!] ) And anyway Aristophanes speech is basically about how there used to be three genders; male, female, and a combined sort. and the combined sort wanted to overthrow the gods and the gods got made and split everyone up so then everyone was just two legs (oh yeah, people a long time ago according to greek mythology had four legs arms, etc and two heads facing opposite directions) they were split up and spread across the world and thus creating Twin Souls; because these people came from teh same soul. And since they're only half of a twin they're always looking for the other! But wait morgan! isn't that a SOUL MATE?! Heavens no. A soul mate is like your spiritual family; people who are in your life to help guide you to your twin soul . This is pretty fuckin' sweet shit huh? Oh profanity, how clever you are in helping me describe something so ethereal. It's so amazing. And I completely believe in it. And I want my twin soul. And I Fricken want it now. Seriously. How sweet would it be to have someone so close to you that when you first meet you feel like you've known each other your entire lives. [I know it totally sounds like all past/present/future relationships are just going to be "settling" but, well yeah Artisphanes says something about how when you don't find your twin soul in this lifetime [BECAUSE YOUR CONSTANTLY REINCARNATED UNTIL YOU FIND THEM! HOW SWEET IS THAT?!?!] you do end up settling so to speak, or else you do find them but because it would make everyone around you so ridiculously upset that you would be with them you both decide not to be with each other in this lifetime. Ouch, right? But, ah. I want mine now and so badly. But idk, you just autmatically have this incredible relationship with this person and it's just magical. really truly magical.
It's basically dating yourself. Which -checks self out in mirror- i'm not completely opposed to ;) Just kidding, My twin soul definiitely got the beauty part.

Alrighty, numba' three. My Book Emotions and the stages of the book that come along with it.

The Beginning: If I do not like a book, or feel bored by it by the third page, well dear author  sucks for you. Should've made your intro better. I don't care if the climax is great, personally ever climax is great, but the beginnign sucks so I quit right there. BUT if your intro is interesting enough, you've got a perfectly balanced Morgan, meaning I feel content, ready for the steady progression of the plot line, but also alert for anything that might just pop out of nowwhere ( "Heheheheheh" *thoughts to self, what was that laughing...* "I am a coked out old lady! Quack!") Beginnings are introducterous. and that's fine by me, it keeps me interested without leaving me completely confused.

The Middle: The middle is a mix of emotions. It goes from being so overly excited that I am literally choking on it. And when I say that I literally choke on the excitement I mean that with the dictionary definition of the word literal. I actually choke a little when I'm excited reading a book. Then there's the lovey emotion. It's usually when something romatically good happens to a character that I favor or just something ridiculously cute happens and then I'm choking on romantic excitement. (book reading for me is really rather dangerous when it's a really good book). There's the sadness, and when I'm sad sometimes I shed a tear. I've balled my eyes out, full on SOBBING from books. And those are the best. I get mad. Like WHAT THE FUCK WHO THE HELL SAID IT WAS OKAY TO FUCKING PUT THIS IN THE FUCKING PLOTLINE. MOTHER FUCKERS. You know, and that's when I end up tossing the book across the room, because 1.) I'm filipino and we have dangerous tempers, and 2.) The plotline seriously fucked shit up (it's still interesting) But then I regret it and want to keep reading so i pick the book up and anxiously flip through, mumbling angry thigns to myself abouit how i'm an idiot for throwing the book and not taking any note what so ever about what page I was on, until i find where i tossed the book. There are more emotions, those are just the basics.

The End. This is also an emotional stage, although not as emotional as teh middle. This is where all the strings are attached and the mysteries have been solved and for the most part everyone is basically chummy, unless it was a tragedy or a cliff hanger to a sequel. (cliff hangers are the worst to end on) When it's a complete ending my stomach feels very warm and full, even if I didn't eat anything, just wamr and full and complete. Emotionally I feel complete and whole and there's just a whole comfort to myself. If it's a cliff hanger I have that "complete ending" feeling but with a drug addict twist. Meanign that I'm only slightly satisfied. I turn into Charlie Sheen really. Doing more drugs to calm my need. But by drugs I mean books, and love. because You're love is my drug. (Oh Ke$ha.) So yeah. Kinda scatter brained. I could never truly vlog, if this is scatter brained think about how much worse it would be if i tried to explain it verbally. Dear lord.


Credit: finishmeoffsweetheart

Credit: geeitserica


Credit: tamlollipop
^^ And it was durring summer of '06 and I dropped ten pounds.

Credit: marauder-cracker

Credit: marauder-cracker
^^ But I never seem to have money.

Credit: charn14
^^ THis is why they invented coffee and caffienated beverages right?

Credit: worldofpaula
^ Hint: get me a good book, a mood ring that won't turn my finger green and you can basically call me Mrs. WhateverYourLastNameIs.

^^Holy shit. I wrote something almost exactly like this in my Journal. Wow.

The ENd :)

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