It's okay lil' asian.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Life goals of a Slug.

"What do I want to do with my  life?," A young slug thought to himself, "Perhaps I'll travel the world. See France, I'll be safe. They only eat snails there."
After this thought the young slug left his moist home beneath the mushroom in this natural place. He inched along as slugs usually do. He was young, there was no rush. He had his whole life to see the world.
He came to a tree and went up. He did not know it was a tree for its mass size was far greater than any tree he had ever seen in his entire life. He was burried in the deep grooves of the bark. A few meters ahead, snail meters of course. He saw another snail.
"Hi." He said.
"Hi," She said, "Do you know where we are?"
The little slug looked around. the walls around him were high up, the sky was orange and dusky.
"This must be the grand canyon!" He shouted.
"Wow," The girl snail exclaimed, "I've always wanted to travel and Here I've done it without knowing!"
"Will you travel with me?" The snail asked. and she said yes. So they did.
A few years had passed and the two snails went higher into the tree, they stopped on the first big branch and had a family.
"Dad where do we live?" The baby snail asked.
"We're on mount everest!" He cried, "Can't you see the entire world son?  We couldn't be anywhere else."
The small snail family didn't travel anymore, they needed to raise the family.
"Dad," The little snail, now a little older, asked, "What were your life goals when you were little?"
"Well son, I wanted to see the world."
"Did you do it?"
The slug, sighed and thought about this for a second.
"Yeah. Yeah I did."

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