It's okay lil' asian.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Things I have Realized.

So I was thinking today, actually I have just been thinking a lot in general.
And todays topic of which I would be extremely glad to share with all of you is that
People have needs, and desires, and they have things that make them "hot."
And recently I've heard someone tell another person that their interests in what makes them happy was wrong.
And unless their interest was rape or sexual endeavors with young children (which is completely wrong, and to be honest I would be just plain happy if all rapists and child molestors were automatically given the death penalty, because it's gross and scary. And all of this is coming from me who doesn't believe in the death penalty (unless it's for rapists and child molesters. Yep double standards.)) Anyways. So if you're into like choking and shit, cool. Find someone who likes choking too. If you're into roleplaying. Great! I know a cool etsy site that makes costumes! If it makes you happy then why not! (With above exception.)
I had a larger rant played out in my head from my drive home from my friend Sydnee's house, whom I hung out with all day.
I hacked her status earlier and wrote "El Banjo is not spanish for Banjo."
Thinking that Banjo was how you spelled Bano (the N on bano is the ennyay) but it was a mind slip of my own.
I'm a genius.

And Sydnee makes me think of Kesha.

God.She's so cute.

Kesha says that math makes her hot.

Well kesha, we sort of similar interests considering technology makes me hot.
And when I say technology I'm talking about having someone talk  to me about
like coding, and RAM, and computer shit.
I don't know why, but it's hot.

So the nerdy person is all.
"*insert computer words here.*

And then I'm all daydreaming about what they would look like shirtless...
and yes I would be shirtless already too.

And then they notice i'm not paying attention so they adjust themselves.

And I'm all "Oh my  god. So cute. Tell me more."

and now ending on this note.

Talk Nerdy To Me.

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