It's okay lil' asian.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I have a cat named Hank. He's just your regular medium length haired black cat.
He's of a medium build. You know, not fat, but he's pretty big, but not small in anyway.
And I love him.
I love him so absolutely much.
Like, I could cry right now just thinking about how much I love my cat.

A few days ago my dad got SUPER FRICKEN PISSED.
Because hank might have (not saying he did, not saying he didn't. If the glove don't fit you must acquit right? (ooohh, morgan. don't go there. too late. ) ripped some of the new-ish carpet out that is at the corner of my bedroom door. why did hank rip it out? because he was trying to get to me because he loves me too. (awwuh kitty person ruined carpet love story! my favorite!)
And so after like two or three weeks of having ripped carpet, (i noticed, I wasn't gonna say anything) my dad finally saw.
And fricken screamed his head off at me and said that hank was going to the pound the next day.
I cried for like five hours (Not even a slight exaggeration.)
And then when my dad was outside drinking and mowing the lawn (at like seven, it's dark around seven. idk. he was mostly drinking and operating vehicles.) I ran upstairs and found Hank and brought him into my room and we cuddled and I cried some more and pet him and just kinda watched him like I did this other night that had similar catastophes. though i fell asleep and when i woke up my other pet was gone already. He didn't go to the pound. that is a separate story. Anyways.
So i was watching hank and crying and being sad, because Hank is like my best friend.
We run around the house together. We chill in our undies together. We cuddle like all the fricken time.
(LIKE RIGHT NOW!) he's totally cuddled around my feet and bein' all "I love you Morgan."
I love you too Hank.
I mean, I've only had him for not even an entire year, but I feel like we've been together my entire life.
He's like my little guard kitty. You know?
Like, not to get all religious on you guys, but he's like my little guardian angel, or spirit or whatever.
He's like my Patronus. (I know I know. I haven't read the books, and the movies don't really do the books justice, but I like this better) He's my happy little silvery light thing that protects me.
He greets me when I come home and he is by my side within the first few minutes of wakefullness, (whether i get out of bed or not, he just somehow knows i'm awake and he comes to my side. It's magical)
And he talks to me all the time and sings me songs too!
I know I sound like a crazy cat lady, and who cares maybe I am. Sue me.
But Hank to me is the one thing that I will always have. He's my one true love!
And when I think about my future, I can always see a clear picture of me waking up in my happy sunny cute apartment somewhere, walking down a sunny hallway in underwear (i'm happiest when i wear underwear) and a t-shirt, with hank circling around my feetsies as i walk to idk the kitchen?
It's just a happy nostolgic thought.
I just love him (:
And my dad loves him too, because he's not in the pound obviously.
My dad was just mad.
And now me and hank are just lovin' each other over here.

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