It's okay lil' asian.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tossin' leaves.

I want oreos. But I also feel really fat right now. That's fine though, because I have some beautiful photos to share with you.

Me? Ish. The lighting= Beautiful.

Yeah so pretty much the greatest photo ever taken. 

So I received a warning ticket awhile ago on Martha street, but the people wrote Marble Street on the ticket.
Well I have now been to where I was supposed to have the ticket.

So I was doing a kart wheel. If you didn't notice... 
Also a lot of these photos came out as me herp derpin'.
Because when I herp, I derp to the max.

There were worse ones than this. But you get the point. I don't need to go embarassing myself on here now.

There are/were tons more photographs!
But the blog doesn't want to let me upload anymore to this blog. 
*sad face. 

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