It's okay lil' asian.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dude Where's my ... Mom?

Sooo, hokay.
My mom has like fallen off of the face of the earth.
And I wouldn't normally care if she didn't have my s.s card, my drivers license and my debit card (not that
there's like large sums of money on that thing or anything. but still) .
Oh yeah. And she's my mom.
But she totally is like gone.
(Yeah, i'm valley girlin' it up these days.)

(That was saved as a draft a few nights ago)
Because now, I think I've found her.
Like I was doin' some detective work you see, and I think I've found her.
I think she's back in Madison.
But I'm not 100% sure.
But by picking apart her words in a facebook message that she sent me.
I'm fairly positive she's in Madison.
So, once again (not that I really care this time, I just want to point out a common theme) she's left me.
She left me for like two weeks when I was sick with h1n1. I was all alone. And sick.
She left me again for a week in the cities (she was in the cities. I was buying mass ammounts of Vicky's underwear so I wouldn't have to do laundry and go into our creepy basement.)
She left me some more for the cities in later times to come.
And then she left me for Arizona for the first time. For like two or so weeks. That was awesome :P
All alone up on the hill.
My grandma and grandpa stayed with me for a few nights, but they have their own lives to live too, and they're done with taking care of children, y'know?
And then the big leave.
The big huge leave.
The one where she left for three months to Arizona.
That was awesome. <- Sarcasm.
because it was so sudden. Just all of a sudden,
"Hey. So I'm selling everything this week, and by the end of the week I'll be living in Arizona. Are you coming?"
Uh. No.
"Alright. then you're in charge of figuring out where you're going to live, kay? Bye."
Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh /What?
I know.
It's crazy.
"Also the rent is paid here until the end of the month. So if you want to live here until then you can."
But bu tbutbutbutbutbubut.
I'm like barely sixteen...
That was then.
And then she came back.
And was all like, "hi,.i'm only here for the holidays."
This isn't some check point in a video game where you can save and be all, okay so do I want to complete teh mission where i have to fly through all of the loops? Or the mission where I have to get as many jewels as I can before the time is up?
(yeah, I tried to make a spyro reference.) fail?
I don't know.
thisis a whiny complain-y blog.
I'm going to finished getting dressed.
(Morgan, are you blogging while in the nude?!)
You know it.

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