It's okay lil' asian.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ye Rin (Josie) Yang

She left today.  She gave me a Korean face massager and the rest of her Korean powder food packets. I went to her goodbye breakfast this morning. It was so sad. How do you just leave someone who you found that you can tell everything to? I cried. A lot. She left me a nice letter. And it was the most amazing letter anyone had every written me. I dont have a ton of close friends at school , but I found one in her. We had so many of the same ups and downs. She was just so cool. And now im pretty much alone at school. Alone. The only Asian again.
See in the beginning of the year when I saw all of the Asian foreign exchange students I was really insecure, like all of a sudden I went from being the only Asian to just a nother asianAsian And I wanted them all gone. But now I want her back. Im so sad.
I'll put up ye rins letter to me later and a picture of the face massager.
There's other stuff I wanna blog about but im at school.
Morgans at school during the summer?
yeah. Im making the harbor city school commercial.
Watch me on TV soon.

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