It's okay lil' asian.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Cat's are not for hipsters. Whatever *that* is.

I have a glorious cat named Hank.
He's pretty much the best person in the entire world.
I love him, I cuddle him. I rub his tummy and behind his ears.
Yeah he gives me some attention, Like two seconds of it
and then moves to the other side of the room.
And guess what?
It just makes me want more.
That's right, Hank. I want more of your flabby little kitty body.

So my weekend did not go as planned (AND IT'S NOT EVEN SATURDAY YET!)
I haven't completely left for the cities.
I canceled a meeting with a fricken talent scout. (It's okay. I have a better meeting thing scheduled for tuesday that is much more legitimate than this one)
I don't think I"m going to Valley fair anymore. Which totally blows because I fricken want to ride the dumb power tower.
I've never been on it. And I fucking want to.
I don't know.
It's just, it's an okay start to my weekend so far.
I've just eaten like two buffets in a row.
That's right,. TWo.
And when I go to buffets I eat like a fat kid in a buffet.
My record you ask?
Seven heaping plates of food. And I don't skimp out on desert. I just unbutton my pants and keep going.
(That's okay too, because I only wear pretty underwear and unless it's underwear with no words or just words on the butt there's usually words on the front half. Which mean unbuttoned pants has a whole message for the world. Last time it was "Crazy in bed" What do you think about that? You shouldn't. Because that's dirty) ANyway. This time I had an entire plate of mashed potatoes. I fuckin' love mashed potatoes. And a huge salad. and soup. and weird little side salad things (like picnic salads) and buns. (I love buns hun) and a sherbet parfait and a fruit pastry thing and rhubarb pie and a four layer chocolate cake with white chocolate filling and I don't nkow there was so much food. Like six kiddie cocktails. I love those too.
I love buffets. You can eat anything and everything and everyone eats like it's going out of style.
Next time you go to a buffet look at the way everyone eats. They FILL their plates run back to their seats, cram as much food as possible into their mouths and run right back to fill their plates again. I am guilty of this, but seriously. The food isn't going anywhere. If it does they'll put more out.
Oh food.
Why you gotta be so delicious?
Actually no.
Butter <3
I love butter.
Buttered popcorn.
Buttered bread.
Buttered everything.
Buttered popcorn flavored jelly belly jelly beans; Those are the best.
I ate one and cried once. But that was because it was a sad day.
It was so good. though.

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