It's okay lil' asian.


Thursday, July 7, 2011


thsi is my quick and dirty post about how sydnee is tryign to get me to get a tumblr.
But NO,
 I will not.
Because see I'm against tumblr, it's like dirty blogging. It's not real.
It's like when you get a lap dance from that girl who sits in the back of the class because it's cheaper
than going and getting a real stripper. It sucks and isn't as great of an experience as it would be if you got the real thing.
AND after tumblr-ing then next I won't be reading REAL books.
I'll be using a kindle or a nook.
And that's like a drug addict doing pixie sticks when he can't find cocaine or soemthing. It looks kinda the same BUT I"TS DEFINITELY NOT>
I won't do it.
Besides where else am I going to lift heavy things?
No where.
I don't do physical labor.
That's why i'm cute, so other people can do it for me.
I don't mind physical labor. I'm just really lazy
except when it comes to books.
I'll fucking carry forty of those bitches just to raed them.
ANd I' would be happy because I love reading
And books
and things.

So no Sydnee,
I will not get a tumblr.
Because then that  means I'll never get A REAL stripper, or real cocaine, or muscles.

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