It's okay lil' asian.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Things I would like to do with my life.

So here is a story, it's not very long, because it's not  a story that you can write in stone. Or write so completely and so surely. It's the story of how I would like to see my life.
I would like to learn french. Better yet, I will set this in stone, I Will learn french.
I want to live in a hotel in Paris, preferable the Ritz.
I want to live a life so creatively. I want to design my own clothing line. One so beautiful that it inspires other little girls and boys to do the same.
I want to write a book. I want to write many books. I hope to string my words so tightly together that it's complete and whole and that when the person finishes they feel the same. I hope they feel complete and whole and better as a person for reading such a novel.
I want to love so absolutely and wholly with my entire self that I could never do any one wrong. That they would love me back just the same.
I want to say everything on my mind. Everything that I feel needs to be said. I want to have my words ring out so clearly and truly that even my mumbles are heard across the universe.
I want to live a life completely.

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