It's okay lil' asian.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Waking up next to... a blonde filipino

Today I realized that I want a queen sized bed. And that I want someone to sleep with me EVERY NIGHT.
It doesn't have to be a sexual sleep over, just having someone there. Who doesn't mind the occasional cuddle, because I cuddle in my sleep. I also move a lot in my sleep. Like A lot a lot.
I roll around and cuddle things. Except for the one on the end to the right I sleep like this...

Usually I sleep like the middle one, with or without a body/pillow.
But it's just nice to wake up next to someone. Like "Hey, good morning!"
I woke up next to Sydnee last night. SHE HAS A QUEEN SIZE BED! <3 <3
I love big beds. They are AMAZING.
But yeah, I just like waking up next to someone.
I know that that sounds creepy,. But I don't mean for it to. I just don't like to be lonely.
I like being around people. I love being around people where I don't feel the need to say things constantly, I like to not feel like the silence is awkward. I like things to just flow.
Which is why I like to wake up next to someone, It creates a bond that can't be created any other way.
You know?
Waking up next to someone is the ultimate bond.
You're opening yourself up to let them see your drool, your rumble hair, the things you say in your sleep,
the things you do in your sleep, the way you sleep.
And most importantly.
The moment you wake up.
To me those few seconds that happen when you wake up are so precious. It is serenity in it's most pure form. It's the closest thing anyone can get to becoming a child again. It's waking up. It's the slow realization every morning that you made it through another night to make it through another day.
It's wonderful. It's beautiful.
It's magical.

Who wants to sleep in my bed tonight?

Here are some nice couple sleeping positions.
Trust me. I've slept in all of this positions. Except the very last one on the right....

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