It's okay lil' asian.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Whitney cummings. She is wonderful.

So I've stumbled upon this wonderful comedian. her name is whiteney cummings. She says offensive things. And kinda says it like it is. Sometimes... 

^^ this oneis abut how crazy women are.

^^ Romantic comedies/ they set the bar high for men.

^^ and twilight, black history, and what a woman needs ;)

She's just so funny.

So my left hand has been feelings weird lately. I think it;s because of all the typing I do.
I do a lot of it. Not just for writing something. But also for this, facebooking.
GOOGLING! yes. I type. A. Lot.
So my hand feels weird.
I'm going to go clean my car so I can sell it and get a new one (:

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