It's okay lil' asian.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

You're a first time vegan and it's nice to meat ya'.

So I've been a vegetarian for god knows how long, and I don't like milk or cheese really and so I don't eat them very often and lately dairy products have been making me SO SICK that i throw up and get a HORRIBLE upset stomach. So I want to make a change in my life and become a vegan.
I'm already a picky eater, so why not become the pickiest eater in the world.
We'll see how long this lasts.
But anyways here are some reasons for being a vegan besides getting sick.

  1. Vegans live a whole six years longer than everyone else. So I'll pretty much be immortal then. 
  2. The average vegan total cholesterol level is 128. The lowest level for a heart attack is 150. So I'll never be at heart risk.
  3. Milk has been linked to weird body problems like colic, ear infections, asthma and other weird things, oh and it makes me sick. 
  4. If i have a high cholesterol (from eating meats and things) I'll have a high risk of impotence. 
  5. I will never consume cholesterol. 
  6. Vegans don't smoke. And smoking causes cancer. (well they can smoke american spirits because they aren't animal tested, and all natural.) 
  7. 33 percent of americans are obese. Only two percent of vegans are.
  8. Tofu is cheaper than steak. (Not that i really like tofu, i'm just pointing out that cost wise it's cheaper)
  9. Charred meats contain carcinogens that can cause cancers.
  10. Fast food meats like those at McDonald's have thousands of additives that are not only addictive, they can cause you to gain weight and mess up your whole body. Which is both scary and gross.
  11. The USFDA recognizes vegetarian and vegan diets as the healthiest diets. I like being healthy!
  12. Veal calves are often stillborn or unborn. Which again is scary, gross and really really sad. :(
  13. Veal calves that are born are raised in crates where they cant even turn around, and are fed only a diet of milk for 16 weeks before they are slaughtered. So sad :( how can people do that?!
  14. Dairy cows on average live for 5-7 years, where as they are able to live to 20 years or more!
  15.  Pigs are more intelligent than dogs, and have the intelligence of a 3-year old.
  16.  Egg-laying hens are kept without water and food for 14 days at a time to force their bodies into another egg-laying cycle.
  17. Milk is known to cause acne breakouts. 
I don't believe in "converting" people, so this isn't a whole post about getting you to do it.This is just a nice post about how I'm giong to change something in my own life, and it happens to be my diet. I'm not doing it because of "statistics", because I don't really care about that. I'm doing it because it's something that I feel is right for me to do right now in my life. I more than likely will not be a strict vegan, at least not in these first few days. 
And some people may think that I'm further restricting myself in what I can and cant eat, but I think that by limiting yourself to only a few things you're also broadening your views by forcing yourself to find a more creative way to do something in this situation it's how many ways can I make a salad (or whatever) exciting enough to eat like everyday. Haha, I'll eat more than salads.

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